Sunday, December 30, 2007

27 1/2 Hours

The above title proclaims how long I spent at er's house. It probably wouldn't have lasted that long if my family hadn't gone to see a movie that was, according to them, way too innapropriate for me. So I stayed till 6:30, roughly. ER ended up leaving the house before me, cause she and her dad were going to a hockey game. I find that terribly ironic.

Despite staying roughly two days there, our activities didn't vary much. When I got there ER showed me the ADD book her mom was reading. Took the quiz too. According to the test I had a very strong suspicion/you do have it of Inattentive Type ADD. What a surprise. We played on her keyboard for a very long time, and I learned the top part to The Heart & Soul, or something like that. Then all of us (me, ER, parents and Pixie) went sledding. We went down a very steep hill and flew (yes, I do literally mean flew) off the sled. I landed on ER. Her face was in the snow. It was very funny. Then during another ride down, Pixie was right behind us. We stopped first, obviously, then moved out o fthe way as Pixie sped toward us. Her sled got stuck in ours, and so, according to Newton's second law, she went flying straight across and landed two feet ahead, in the snow. It was hilarious.

Then we went home and had pancakes for dinner. Then we watched The Reduced Shakespeare Company. Then we went to bed at 9:30, but didn't stop talking and fall asleep until like, 11:20. ER pathetically tried to make me believe something stupid, but it didn't work, because she had already tried it on me. It was very funny. In the morning we were both hungry, so I had two bowls of rice krispies, a glass of milk and slice of bread while ER had something of the general mills persuasion.

Then she showed me how to King's Corners. We played about 20 rounds of it, and me being me, I won only once. Then we went to the axman store, and I got this bird thing. Then we went back and played more King's Corners w/ popcorn. I also taught her how to play spit. Sophia called while we were playing, and ER beat me. It was sad. Then we went sledding. Came back, played more King's Corners/Spit. Then my parents came.

I feel like I just came back from a vacation or something. It's good to be home. Having access to a computer and whatnot.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas in Review

I woke up on christmas day at around 7ish. Looked at my watch, groaned when I saw the time, and tried to fall back asleep, but phailing. Then at around 8 I finally got out of bed and went to the living room with a comic book and ipod in hand. Sat on the couch reading and listening to music until my parents got up, then ate a lot of pumpkin bread and read the morning comics.

Then there was a whole lot of waiting while my brother got his lazy butt out of bed and up the stairs. But, can't exactly blame him. He's 16, with sore tonsils about the size of Alaska. But then he finally came up, so we opened our presents at a remarkably slow, painful pace. I filmed a lot of it until my brother got pissed at me (why, I have yet to discover) so I stopped. For awhile.

- Guitar Hero 3
- DDR pad
- Calvin & Hobbes
- Chocolart (thing that lets you make chocolate)
- Whole lot of gum
- Graphing calculator
- Pocket knife
- winter crocs
- pajamas (no idea where they got that idea)
- snow globe
- 365 day trivia calendar
- Grossology & You (the stuff in there is hilarious o.o)
- flute book of a bunch of Beatles songs
- The Sims2 Seasons
- Booklight thing
- AIDS T-shirt
- Sudoku

Then after I went on WoW and opened presents from 'Great Grandfather Winter' and my guildies (people in my guild/group/thing) then played on there for a bit. One of my presents was this explosive robot that would shoot explosives at other robots, so a bunch of people would be huddled around to see how long their bots would survive. I got eight in a row at one point.

Then after I hung around the house, not sure what to do with myself. Ate some cookies, had a lunch of leftover chinese food, and read a bit. Asked my mom if we could go to the movies. She said no. So then I decided to go outside. Busied myself for about twenty minutes trying to make the bottom of a snowman, but that didn't work. It was really nice outside though. Whole lot of snow with big flakes coming down.

Then I went to the front yard, grabbed a snow shovel and went to a snowdrift that was beside my driveway and started digging through it with plans to make a small tunnel you could go in and out of. Was so hot by the end that my hat was off, coat unzipped. Kept having to sit down and whack at the snow with my boots, which got really annoying. Eventually I just laid down, watching the snow from a vertical point of view. Very interesting.

After I went in, took off my snow stuff, made a plate of various xmas cookies (gingerbread shapes, shortbreads, sugar cookies, frosted pretzels, reindeer cookies and snowballs) sat down on the couch, put on my glasses and watched A Christmas Story for about two hours until dinner was ready. Ate shrimp and couscous and milk, had a lindor truffle afterwards. Skipped fruit. Then the family played scrabble, in which I got 3rd place with 87 points. Played on the computer after. Then went to bed.

I actually spent most of xmas day by myself. Oh well.

p.s. I'm getting a trumpet... but I have to pay $70 for it >:(

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Next three days...

My schedule for the next three days:

- Baking
- Wrapping
- Decorating
- Shopping

God, going shopping is going to be so much fun... all the mothers buying fisher price toys, men buying fifteen pounds' worth of diamonds for their spouses... stores gonna be plain packed. Can't wait!

Friday, December 21, 2007

My mom won't get me a cornet for xmas.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Golden Compass

So I saw the Golden Compass last night, and it was fun. E.R and I would occasionally talk at during scenes, but for the most part, seeing it the second time was very fun. I found myself actually tensing up whenever there were scenes like at the frozen lake and when Pan was being grabbed at by that evil monkey (which happened to have a nice resemblance of Bush).

After the movie we hung out in the lobby area for a bit and talked about what our daemons would be, and about the movie. It was pretty fun. After E.R drove Maggie and I back home, and we also talked about what our daemons would be in the car. I'd like to be an ermine. Maggie would probably be a mouse or something. E.R would be a dog or a hawk of some sort. Pixie's would still be changing, but we reckoned that when it did settle it'd probably be of the squirrel persuasion.

Now I'm going out soon to get holiday decorations for the house. Whoop-dee-doo.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


OOTP officially came out on DVD today! I am soooooooo so so so happy. But now I'm gonna have to work on all the cruddy homework I've got due tomorrow before my mom comes home, because we'll be watching it tonight. I'm also gonna be playing dreidel with my family, so that'll be difficult...

School always ruins the fun. In the word's of Sop's brother... "There's no such thing as breaks, Maya. There will always be homework."

Couldn't have said it better myself.

p.s That's how you spell Maya right? >.>

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Here's to You, Santa

So people may have noticed that I'm posting a lot more than I used to. At the beginning of december I randomly got this huge inspiration to keep my blog updated as much as I could. And as I've got more time than most of my friends do on my hands, I realized I really had no good excuse for not posting for about a month.

I'm writing this in my room right now, and my hands are FREEZING. My coordination skills dropped about 28% since two minutes ago. I just spent about an hour making a list of songs I'd wanna buy when I get some Itunes gift cards... and there's a lot. But I made sure that I wanted all of them, which is the really sad part.

But anyway, I thought I'd share it with you guys. You can easily look it up on Itunes, and judge whether or not I'm tone-deaf to good music:


  • Human
  • Rough Gem
  • Jogging Gorgeous Summer

  • Que Onda Guero
The White Stripes

  • You Don't Know What Love Is ('nuff capitalization for you? ;))
  • Little Cream Soda
  • Prickly Thorn, But Sweetly Worn

  • Whole album of Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga(

  • Oye Como Va
  • Into the Night
  • Evil Ways

Modest Mouse

  • The World at Large
  • Bukowski
  • The View
  • One Chance
  • Dramamine


  • Blinded by the Sun
  • White Trash Beautiful
  • Lonely Road
  • Maybe

Red Hot Chili Peppers

  • Dani California
  • Charlie
  • Warlocks
  • Wet Sand
  • Slow Cheetah

  • Dig


  • Shadowplay
  • Sweet Talk


  • Short Skirt, Long Jacket
  • Comfort Eagle

God that took me awhile to type out. Talk about tedious. Kept going on little breaks... >.> But yeah, those are the songs. Please don't waste one large chunk of time listening to all of them. Don't waste a precious hour of your life like I did. Though I guess it was necessary.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Say What!?

Second place. We got freaking second place. And in the words of Sophia's mom, "I don't know how you guys did it, but you did it." And this is a team that has gone all the way down to 9th place before, mind you. For God's sake, we only got nine questions on the oral face-off (which was, then again, a pretty snappy record for us) and our P.A.R.T.Y was complete improv. The only really planned thing we had was a basic plot (which sucked).

I knew we had done pretty well on the mind sprints, but 100? Jesus. And we beat E.R's time. That's the amazing thing about it all, AND WE ACTUALLY GOT A RIBBON! Even after thirteen hours of getting the ribbon, it still doesn't seem believable. Just... wow.

On another note, I feel extremely sluggish and lazy. After getting about 11 hours of sleep when I normally get 6-8 hours. At least to me it makes me feel as if I've just been hit in the head with a club.

... And that was not meant to give any of you ideas.

This whole livejournal thing is getting much less confusing. Perhaps I will move to posting on both blogs... :D

Friday, December 7, 2007

I'm Really Not Used to TV....

So it was just my mom and I at home today cause my brother was at debate and my dad at work. While we were making dinner she told me that there was this holiday special thing for Top Chef where various people from previous seasons that got eliminated got to come back and win 20,000 dollars (what an awful way to give out money...) We watched this rerun first though at around 6:30ish, and by the time we were finished watching everything, it was 9:28pm.

My brain feels like absolute mush. The last time I watched that much TV was when I was like... never.

I need a book FAST


Have any of you ever experienced a time in which you've got this great story thing going in your head, but you just can't, no matter what you do, make it like you want it to be on paper? THAT'S BLOODY TORTURING ME TO INSANITY!

(Note to self: If 'bloody' is an actual swear word, cut it out immediately and give your self fifty lashings)

But anyway, it's usually in bed when I'm thinking about the story and it's becoming literally one of my favorite past times, just sitting and thinking about it. And you know what really helps? Listening to these two sent-from-God-type songs called Believer and Crazy Angel, both by the same artist, Kill Hannah. Horrible name, but the songs are amazing.

Everything about the lyrics related to my story. The tune, the accents, the dynamics, every single thing makes my mind burst with little images of the story. I love the songs so so so so so so so so much and I listen to them for about an hour every day. My brother gets extremely pissed at me whenever I do that, but he doesn't understand how godly they are.

But anyway, I should probably suck up all the motivation my brain can muster and start writing. But it is soooo hard.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

ADD Suspicion

So this may sound obsessive, even though it's not, but for the past week or so I've been taking multiple ADD tests on the internet. Yes, I know it's the internet, and how about 89% of the stuff on it is crap, these are tests that seem pretty legit. Anyway, so I took this really long test (took me about thirteen minutes, I should say) on ADD, and I came up positive with this one type of ADD. I never knew there were different branches... but anyway, here's the information. It's called ADD Inattentive Type, which I think suits me the best:

The onset of these symptoms often become apparent later in child-hood or early adolescence. The brighter the individual, the later symptoms seem to become a problem. The symptoms must be present for at least six months and not be related to a depressive episode or the onset of marijuana usage. Using marijuana can often make a person seem as though they have ADD without hyperactivity. It is important to screen for pot usage in teen-agers or adults.

Girls with ADD are frequently missed because they are more likely to have the non-hyperactive form.

The severity of the disorder is rated as mild, moderate or severe. Even though these children have many of the same symptoms of the people with AD/HD, they are not hyperactive and may appear hypoactive. Additional symptoms for this subtype include: excessive daydreaming, frequent complaints of being bored, appearing apathetic or unmotivated, appearing frequently sluggish or slow moving or appearing spacey or internally preoccupied -- the classic "couch potato."

Most people with this form of ADD are never diagnosed. They do not exhibit enough symptoms that "grate" on the environment to cause others to seek help for them. Yet, they often experience severe disability from the disorder. Instead of help, they get labeled as willful, uninterested, or defiant.

As with the ADD combined type, brain studies in patients with ADD, inattentive subtype reveal a decrease in brain activity in the frontal lobes of the brain in response to an intellectual challenge. Again, it seems that the harder these people try to concentrate, the worse it gets. ADD, inattentive subtype is often very responsive to stimulant medications, such as Ritalin (methylphenidate), Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine), Cylert (magnesium pemoline), Desoxyn (methamphetamine), and Adderal (a combination of amphetamine salts). These medications "turn on" the frontal lobes and prevent brain shutdown, allowing a person to have more access to this part of their brain.

Who knows? I actually do kind of want to go to the doctor's and see if I actually have it or not, because the description above is what's been happening to me for a VERY long time. I'm afraid that my parents won't take me seriously though, since I foolishly kept talking to them about the ADD thing ever since E.R brought the subject up. But it's kind of like the whole glasses situation though. My mom was convinced I didin't need glasses, but when I finally got them checked it turned out I badly needed them. Huh. Maybe it'll turn out the same with the whole ADD thing?

I don't really know if I'd like to have ADD or not. I heard that if you've been diagnosed with it you get less homework. But I think that's for severe cases... dang it. But still, I wouldn't find it much to brag about. It'd be useless to use it as an excuse if I can't get something done, because someone can overcome a disorder. And for God's sake, it's a freaking attention disorder. What's there to brag about? I've already got freaky problems with me! Cold hives, asthma, gunky stuff in my hair (don't ask...) this one listening academic thing where... well, it's really complicated. But do I really need another thing like that, especially when it deals with lack of attention and constant daydreaming? (E.R, if you are reading this, not. A. Word.) Bleh. I dunno. But I guess it would be kind of cool, I guess, since ADD is a lot rarer in girls. Go feminism, eh? It'd suck to be color-blind.

... Yeah. Completely unrelated, but my train of thought went to ADD being rare in girls, to other disorders being rare for girls such as being color blind. Not as weird if you draw out your train of thought. Wonder who the conductor is.

Oh. Right. Me.

Well bye. Longest post I've ever done I think.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Accidentally posted something completely random and unnecessary about... ohhh thirty seconds ago. Anyway, I'm writing this on my computer, and it's snowing like crazy outside. Can't see the grass anymore (WOOHOO!) and just... yay. I love the snow. Might go sledding tomorrow at Browndale? Who knows.

Haven't posted in a while. What can I say? Never felt like it. But I've had this blog for about four months now, which is quite amazing. I'm usually not that dedicated to something as meaningless as a blog.

I went to the orchestra concert a few days ago. The 8/9th grade concert was really the only good one, or the one I enjoyed anyway... E.R and I kept improvising percussion parts for the songs though, except whenever I tapped my hand on her armrest she'd slap it (hard), which was annoying.

Last night I went to see The Orphan Train at Valley View. It was about a million times better than the plays South View has ever done. Why? The play had serious concepts in it, and there's also the fact that there wasn't about 200+ people running around the theatre and richeting off the walls. Which basically describes South View's plays. Although there were some people that were a bit shaky on the acting.


Sunday, November 11, 2007


So I went to see West Side Story a couple of hours ago, and it was great. Very professional. I saw some people in the play that I knew, it was funny watching them.

Kwano got my links to show, and I'm VERY happy about that. Really happy actually.

Oh, and I'm probably going to be taking vocal lessons. And audition for a stages theater production, The Giver. Need to reread the book, but I'm very sure I'm going to audition. Once I get all the information.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Overview Recap Thing

Alright, so I've decided, as a new thing of Gremlin's Place, that I do a recap of the past week or day or whatever on Friday. This is something I thought of about a minute before I clicked 'new post', so bare with me. Why? No idea.

I was really surprised yesterday morning when I remembered it was a Friday. Don't get me wrong, the week had gone by waaay too slowly, but I was pleasantly surprised when I got into the bathroom and realized, "Hey, it's a Friday! WOO!"

This blissful mood quickly evaporated as soon as I left my house. Yes, I know I live in Minnesota, but 21 degree weather can still bite you hard, even with a winter jacket, gloves and hat on (AND breathing through my nose).

This is taken from experience, but even if you're waiting like, three minutes for the bus to come, it can seem like an hour, ESPECIALLY when it's cold and you just woke up. But I was relieved of the bitterly freezing weather when the bus came, and I happily hopped on, only to endure twenty minutes of aggravation by Danny Schmitz, doing his personal favorites, "Feliz Navidad, ch ch, ch ch, FELIZ NAVIDAD!" and "Have you named him Penny yet? Penny! Penny the Penguin!" with my replies of "No Danny, I have not called him Penny yet."

We went bowling though. That was VERY fun, even if I sucked do to the lack of freaking bumpers. That annoyed me. A lot, because there would be times in which I'd get 0 like, three times in a row because the ball would keep falling in. Ugh.

As we were riding the bus to school from bowling it started snowing, as everyone knows. AND IT WAS ACCUMULATING! The snow was beautiful. It was just so white and fluffy and big and wintry, I was dying in happiness on that bus.

Anyway, spanish. Bleh. More tolerable than usual. It earns a C+ in my grade book. We did a few games, and I got an extra credit buck due to my lovely speed skills, but it was still boring, and we got homework.

Then Social Studies. That was actually fun, which is a big change, as Social Studies is usually a class full of boring crap. So it earns a B+, We got to watch an awesome video about the 1920's, which is a decade I looooove, and plus we got new seating arrangements, so just one person is in between me and Kwano, which is awesome.

Lunch was depressing. ER went to sit with some other people, Brunker, as we had abandoned him before, went to sit with some other friends, Phisoa was at the Kindness Retreat, and Tyler, sensing boring lunch session, went to sit with a group of people that had switched tables so they were one lunch table away. Talk about unnecessary. So then it was just Ele and I, until E2 and Kwano came to sit with us, so it actually turned out to be a good lunch. But still. I'm getting everyone back to the table whether they like it or not.

Then it was science. Ugh. B-. It was alright, I mean, we were able to get off topic for awhile, talking about huge bugs (COCKROACHES!!!!!!!!), then we went to look at our compost, which actually worked, but there were a ton of rolly polly bugs under. Jimmy, being the obnoxious idiot he was, smushed the poor little innocent creatures to the heart of his content. Moron. Then we went inside and watched a brainpop on color, then a Magic School Bus show... which was undeniably stupid.

Now onto actual NEWS which no one will know until I type it below...

Well, maybe some of you will.

I'm going to see West Side Story in arrouuund... two hours, about, which I'm very excited for. The only thing I know about it is that a lot of people die or get beat up. Sounds interesting, eh?

Oh, and I've FINALLY got a decent plot going for my now-modern story. The only setback is that it might be a AND I shouldn't even say that because it'll give away some plot. Phew, glad I caught myself there.

And by the way, happy birthday Kwano. You can now be divided in two (age wise, of course). AND HAPPY HALF-BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Story Stuck

So for the story I'm writing (look before to see the prologue) I'm not sure whether to make it modern or not. If it was modern it'd be much easier, because despite my desperate attempts to make the clothes old-style, I picture the main character(s) wearing jeans and tank tops and modern fashion. Plus, it'd make things easier with all the technology. That would make the story change a bit with the plot and stuff, BUT, I'm willing to do that.


Friday, November 2, 2007

Milk Victorious!

HAHAHAHA! Curse you large glass of milk! Never again shall I be forced to digest your bulbous mass!

Now onto a real topic...

Found out who's playing Max in the Maximum Ride movie. And guess what. SHE'S HORRIBLE! But don't take it from me. See for yourself: (Go to Maximum Ride Goes Hollywood, click 'We've Found Max' then click 'Audition Movie'. Amy Rose stars in both the commercial and the movie).

Reasons why she sucks... (I'd suggest not reading this if you don't want my opinion tainting yours)

1. She's too delicate.
2. She's not tough enough, I don't see an inner Max in her at all. If she's good at acting, hey, then I'm good (though she doesn't really seem like she'd be good).
3. Doesn't look like Max from my perspective.
4. Total OMG (watch her at the last bit when she says who she is, when she dances, etc.)

Oh, and they're also combing all three Maximum Ride books into one movie (good luck on that...)


Chugging down a big class of milk. About 13 oz. Must not waste. Stomach hurting... ughh...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Kay, well for some reason blogspot seems in a need to gang up on me, and therefore my links don't show up. I left the spot where it's like "Amount of links you want shown" blank, so that all links show, but that doesn't seem to work. If ANYONE knows why this is happening, pleeeeeeease let me know. It's driving me nuts.

Oh, and as for the surprise. Right now I'm temporarily more obsessed with Maximum Ride than Harry Potter. Temporarily though. But the obsession is big. Very big.

Monday, October 29, 2007

New Template

As you can see, there is a very new template on my blog, along with very little of my old stuff. Pissed that that has to be the catch, but oh well. I'll get everything back up.

I've also got something very important to tell everyone. Buuuut, I guess that will just have to wait....

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

FFPS part 2

Life was especially simple for orphaned kids, known most commonly as ‘smudge children’. Life consisted of three main parts for us: Education, chores, and survival (eating, drinking, sleeping etc.). Fun came only if there was time. All orphans grew up like that, and they expected nothing more.

Reading this, what do you expect me to be? Some kind of oddball, always fantasizing and getting in trouble for that? Or maybe some moody rebel, always going against what authorities say and wanting to somehow burst free from my shell and run away? If you think that, then you’ve read too many cliché books. I was about as simple as a blank sheet of parchment, occasionally dreaming, yes, but never straying too far as to ‘think about what is important’.

Now you’re most likely thinking along the lines of who I really was. I used to be the classic quiet girl, very few (to be more exact, no) friends, but considered ‘pretty’ and with a ‘lovely personality that will get you far in life, miss’. I never spoke out of turn, never said anything too bad or rash, always very respectful and polite. Looking back now, I was a down-right nobody. People then would look at me, this small, wide-eyed red-head girl and think, “Wow, she’s got such a charming personality! Who raised you, miss?” when all they saw was a youth who never spoke, never showed expression or opinion. A lifeless child.

Well, this wasn’t completely true. I did have a natural talent and attraction for climbing trees, along with reading and watching plays. I’d save up all the cores I’d get for doing extra chores and go to see to see them, watch all the brilliant actors and actresses act through scenes, all the way to the very end when the whole cast would get on the stage and bow. “How was the play?” someone would ask as I, along with dozens of other people, swarm out of the stage. “Fine,” I’d reply. But it was so much more than ‘fine’, and I was aware of that, even then. But I also knew that a person in the town that I grew up in would never stop to hear the full story.

My reputation in school was void; I didn’t have one. Every day when I went to the school house I’d seat myself at the back of the classroom, listening silently to the teacher, never talking to anybody, occasionally writing notes down or creating cartoons on extra sheets of paper when I was done with my work. I was like an oxygen waster; people knew who I was, but they listened to my words, not the person speaking them. People paid little attention to me, nor did they beat me up or tease me. They left me alone, and I thought I was fine with that.

But I was lonely back then. I didn’t know it, but I was. And it was hurting me inside. I remember I used to go to the library every day after I was done with my chores and just grab as many books as I could. Books were my friends. No, correction; the characters in the books were my friends. I could connect to them. Sometimes, when I’d be sitting on some grass in a park, I’d imagine myself talking to one of them, pretending they were real. That was the only real thing to suggest I had any imagination in me at all back then.

In total, I was a seriously broken child. I had no thoughts, no deep feelings or wise opinions. But the worst part was, I had no imagination. No time to be a real kid, have real friends, or do real things.

Until just a short while after my thirteenth birthday.

First Few Paragraphs of Story

First few paragraphs of a story I'm writing, again. Feel free to post comments, complaints, compliments, questions, arguments, etc.

Have you ever wondered what the purpose in your life was? Why you were born, why some high being decided that you were fit to make it to an old age, why you deserve to be alive and healthy? Trust me, this has gone through my head plenty of times. I’ve often pondered what fate had in store for me. What great new experiences, or even possibly adventures, awaited me in this great bumpy road called life. The sad thing is, you only know for sure when it actually happens, and then it might be too late to say to your former self, There you go Rilie. This is what you get.

This is exactly what happened to me. Except way back when I was still a lowly orphan, I had no idea something so huge as what would eventually happen would come, because I was raised to believe that lives are too simple and quiet to have adventure in them.

Why? Well, maybe part of the reason was because I grew up in an orphanage, where you can basically guarantee that the most exciting thing that would happen to you is saving enough money to buy an ice cream cone or a fizzy drink. Then there was the fact that I grew up in a very small, secure town where probably the most ‘naughty’ thing someone had ever done was steal a coid or two off a wealthy folk’s coin purse. Everybody knew everyone. Hell, even the town’s orphanage kept its front door unlocked, even at night. I was a child with ignorance as high as the tallest mountain. Robbing a house? What kind of foolish talk was that! Murdering someone? Oh yeah, I’ve heard of that. In a book.

None of this ever crossed the small minds of townsfolk. Yes, there was always the possibility. But did we ever sit down and really think about that small possibility? Of course not. We’ve always been humble, always simple-minded, worrying only about the present, never pondering over the what-if’s, or the why’s. Women nursed their children, cooking and cleaning and standing at attention by their husband’s side, dressed with care and usually holding a baby or two in their fragile arms. Men strolled about the town, making themselves look important, their tailcoats gliding behind them, hats leaving their heads every few seconds to greet passersby. The blood that ran through the family’s veins. Nothing less.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Across the Universe

So last Sunday me, my brother and my dad went to see Across the Universe. It's a story about these group of friends during the Vietnam war, and it's sort of like a musical, but they do covers of Beatles songs. Don't worry--they're good covers. Not like the crap other musicians try to produce. It's sort of grown-up material (>.> swearing, nudity (well, not much) etc.) but it's good. BUT I REALLY WANT TO SEE HAIRSPRAY AGAIN.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Freaky Connection to my dream....

So Kwano was just reading my blog, and on gmail she was telling me how my dream is freakishly connected to the date I had my dream, which was the day that 33,771 Jews were killed by Nazis at Babi Yar on September 29th, so yeah... just thought I'd let everyone know....

Last Night's Dream

My dream last night was literally an unconscious nightmare. I don't even know how I came up with the dream, but then again, my mind is extremely weird, SO

But anyway. I had a dream that our whole grade was in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Our meals took place at the lunch room,but all the food was disgusting and brown. Then we went through a bunch of this other stuff whichwas torture, but for some reason we were all in our regular clothes.

So this one day we all had to line up in two rows and march, then after we were done the Nazis were like "Okay, line 2 must swim today." Charlotte turned to me and was like, "Oooo, good luck Miranda the water's like, super super cold." I had a big suspicion about that so I snuck into the first line.

Even though I was really scared this whole dream, I knew t hat it was just a dream in my dream, so I was like "God Mira, just wake up, wake up now I don't want to make these life and death decisions just WAKE UP!" but then as we started marching to the pool I woke myself up somehow and was extremely relieved.

It was 8am by then so I just finished National Treasure on my ipod. But it was really scary,t he dream was.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Role in School Play

So I play George, the main character's (Roger Goodman) servant. Now this role is like, one of the four major roles in the whole play. Obviously I was incredibly happy. I could just picture myself being on stage, saying lines every few seconds and humoring the audience with the sickening, amateur humor that the play directors provided me. Guess how many lines I get.

Eight. Zero, eight. 8. Ocho.

Guess how many lines the person who plays George in act 1 gets!

Fifty. Five, zero. 50.

I don't mean to sound incredibly arrogant and whiny, but FOR GOD'S SAKE! That's totally unfair! I know that life isn't fair etc., but I mean, for a middle school play, don't you think they should balance out the lines between two people just A LITTLE BIT? Eight vs. fifty. Hmm. That definitely seems fair.

Yeah, I'm very pissed off right now, and I think I deserve to be. I hate ranting about stuff like this cause I feel whiny and stupid, but the one time I get a lead role in the play and I end up having eight lines. Did I mention a character about fifty times minor than my role has around ten more lines than me? No lies.

Earlier at play practice today one of the director's talked about the role a little bit, and she said we might be doing some stuff with the character, so I dearly hope that means more hope for the eternal development of George. It'll be a whole lot to finally balance out the two parts, but hey. I really think I deserve more lines than what I've got.

End of rant done. Now I'm gonna go punch a pillow.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


So I went to see the movie Hairspray last night and my only possible review for it is this: It being the best movie musical in EXISTENCE.

Usually I'm not a big fan of musicals, but I was having so much fun watching the movie. The choreography was soooo impressive, and the singing was amazing, at the very least. It also had pretty funny humor too.

Now usually I find the "Be yourself, don't let anyone bring you down" thing gets pretty boring after awhile, but this movie explained it in a really good way, and that didn't just go for Tracey, the main character, being fat. It also had the subplot with integration.

There's so much more I'd like to talk about, but I don't want to spoil the movie. But I'm seeing it again!

Friday, September 14, 2007


Usually I don't like to whine, as whining usually makes me feel like a big whiner, which I don't like to feel, but I just gotta rant, so bear with me.

Today was probably the crappiest day of 8th grade yet, and it's been about two weeks. First of all I ran the mile today, which was a lot worse than it could have been do to the fact that my mom had stuck my inhaler in my lunchbox, and I had no idea. So I had to run a mile (and I didn't stop running, mind you) for 9m 26s and so after that I was almost wheezing, and my lips were about as dry as the Sahara Desert.

About five minutes after that we played an hour of soccer, which made my asthma even worse do to the fact that I was on defense, and running around a lot. So I was fairly pissed off after that, and even when I warned my friends of this, one in particular just couldn't stand not setting me off for five minutes.

Yes, I'm talking about her. As we were walking to our lockers, this particular person just had to start swearing in front of me, even when she knows perfectly well how much I don't like it when my friends are swearing. So when I tell her to PLEASE stop swearing and respect me, she goes right on to saying how I should respect her freedom of speech. Sorry for gossiping, but that seriously pisses me off. And I mean bad.

Then to make matters worse, I forgot to do my spanish AND social studies homework, so I've got that to do, and it total it's just been a sucky day.

That's all.

Monday, September 10, 2007


This is just for my guild on World of Warcraft. Ignore it >.<

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Sorry. Just really happy for a second. Now you'll see LOTS of different banners on my blog BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mars is Bright Tomorrow - FALSE!!!

Well, it actually turns out that the post I made yesterday was false. Shame. That would have been cool to see, huh?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Found a Scungy Picture!

After searching my documented images many times, I discovered that I actually did have a single picture of my grey cat, Scungy. He looks cute :D

Mars is Bright Tomorrow

I got an email yesterday warning everyone about the 52nd anniversary of Mars' brightest night. It's when Mars comes closest to earth at 34.65 miles. The next time this will happen it will be 2287. Most obviously, no one alive today, not even a baby born a second ago, will see it again.

So position yourself near a window, and watch on August 27th, at 12:30am. DON'T FORGET!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pet Pictures

Here are some pictures I took when some time ago of my pets. Bella, who's three years old, is the dog, Pumpkin is the cat with the pink nose, and Scungy is the grey cat. I <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 them! ^_^

The Meaning of Life (HERE'S TO YOU SOP-SOP!)

It's simple fact that everyone on this planet earth has different opinions on what the meaning of life is. And a lot of the reason that it's different is because of religion. I'm not complaining about it, but if there wasn't any religion, then obviously the meaning of life would be a lot different today.

Some people might say that the meaning of life is to purify the world by burning all the jews, hippies, gypsies, handicapped etc. Some people say it's to purify the world by banning Harry Potter books *breaks mouse, goes out to Best Buy, buys a new one, connects it back to USB port and continues writing*

But my definition of the meaning of life is quiet different from purification, or any religion for that matter. No, my friends, I believe that the meaning of life is to simply travel through your life and experience what life has to offer you. Well, then what's the point of being on here? There is no point. You were simply put on this earth, and since you're alive, hey! Why not try making the best out of it? Honestly, if you're not happy, you aren't doing the best you can do for yourself.

But, that just came to me. I thought I'd write this down for sop-sop.

The Jamboree HP OCD Song

Kay, so there was this one time during Jamboree when the eight girls in our Girl Scout troop were sitting in one of the dorms (forget which). My great, perfect, lovely *coughHIGHLYWRONGcough* friends decided to create a song that would describe just how obsessed with Harry Potter I am. Well, here goes this song, and it's in the tune of Old McDonald.

There once was a girl
who was obsessed with Harry Potter
And Miranda was her name-o!

And Miranda was her name-o!

There was once was a girl
Who read Harry Potter seventeen times
and Miranda was her name-o!

And Miranda was her name-o!

So, you can guess how it continues. There are different verses, but I don't feel like writing them down. Who knows... maybe I will later?


*poofs in a cloud of inky smoke*

When life hands you lemons, squish them and throw them at a car.

Now, don't call me a pessimist just by hearing this title. Usually I'm very optimistic! Hopefully, anyway. But when it comes to the fact that school will be starting in a week, I'd happily crush these lemons I'm given to a sour mush and throw them at some innocent passersby's car.

I mean come on! Those three months of pure bliss and freedom lasted about as long as MEA weekend! It's blasphemy! Total revulsion. At least have summer start in May so we can get months off. And they even start reminding you that school's coming soon by sending your bus info sheet in like, July. Don't these people know what it was like being a kid?? If they were even the least bit less oblivious, they would know that it would be best, for the kid's mental emotions, to send things like that by the end of august, where kids know they're heading their way to the end of the world.

But, I'm done. I'll post more later. Not that anyone cares.