Friday, December 7, 2007


Have any of you ever experienced a time in which you've got this great story thing going in your head, but you just can't, no matter what you do, make it like you want it to be on paper? THAT'S BLOODY TORTURING ME TO INSANITY!

(Note to self: If 'bloody' is an actual swear word, cut it out immediately and give your self fifty lashings)

But anyway, it's usually in bed when I'm thinking about the story and it's becoming literally one of my favorite past times, just sitting and thinking about it. And you know what really helps? Listening to these two sent-from-God-type songs called Believer and Crazy Angel, both by the same artist, Kill Hannah. Horrible name, but the songs are amazing.

Everything about the lyrics related to my story. The tune, the accents, the dynamics, every single thing makes my mind burst with little images of the story. I love the songs so so so so so so so so much and I listen to them for about an hour every day. My brother gets extremely pissed at me whenever I do that, but he doesn't understand how godly they are.

But anyway, I should probably suck up all the motivation my brain can muster and start writing. But it is soooo hard.