Saturday, September 29, 2007

Freaky Connection to my dream....

So Kwano was just reading my blog, and on gmail she was telling me how my dream is freakishly connected to the date I had my dream, which was the day that 33,771 Jews were killed by Nazis at Babi Yar on September 29th, so yeah... just thought I'd let everyone know....

Last Night's Dream

My dream last night was literally an unconscious nightmare. I don't even know how I came up with the dream, but then again, my mind is extremely weird, SO

But anyway. I had a dream that our whole grade was in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Our meals took place at the lunch room,but all the food was disgusting and brown. Then we went through a bunch of this other stuff whichwas torture, but for some reason we were all in our regular clothes.

So this one day we all had to line up in two rows and march, then after we were done the Nazis were like "Okay, line 2 must swim today." Charlotte turned to me and was like, "Oooo, good luck Miranda the water's like, super super cold." I had a big suspicion about that so I snuck into the first line.

Even though I was really scared this whole dream, I knew t hat it was just a dream in my dream, so I was like "God Mira, just wake up, wake up now I don't want to make these life and death decisions just WAKE UP!" but then as we started marching to the pool I woke myself up somehow and was extremely relieved.

It was 8am by then so I just finished National Treasure on my ipod. But it was really scary,t he dream was.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Role in School Play

So I play George, the main character's (Roger Goodman) servant. Now this role is like, one of the four major roles in the whole play. Obviously I was incredibly happy. I could just picture myself being on stage, saying lines every few seconds and humoring the audience with the sickening, amateur humor that the play directors provided me. Guess how many lines I get.

Eight. Zero, eight. 8. Ocho.

Guess how many lines the person who plays George in act 1 gets!

Fifty. Five, zero. 50.

I don't mean to sound incredibly arrogant and whiny, but FOR GOD'S SAKE! That's totally unfair! I know that life isn't fair etc., but I mean, for a middle school play, don't you think they should balance out the lines between two people just A LITTLE BIT? Eight vs. fifty. Hmm. That definitely seems fair.

Yeah, I'm very pissed off right now, and I think I deserve to be. I hate ranting about stuff like this cause I feel whiny and stupid, but the one time I get a lead role in the play and I end up having eight lines. Did I mention a character about fifty times minor than my role has around ten more lines than me? No lies.

Earlier at play practice today one of the director's talked about the role a little bit, and she said we might be doing some stuff with the character, so I dearly hope that means more hope for the eternal development of George. It'll be a whole lot to finally balance out the two parts, but hey. I really think I deserve more lines than what I've got.

End of rant done. Now I'm gonna go punch a pillow.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


So I went to see the movie Hairspray last night and my only possible review for it is this: It being the best movie musical in EXISTENCE.

Usually I'm not a big fan of musicals, but I was having so much fun watching the movie. The choreography was soooo impressive, and the singing was amazing, at the very least. It also had pretty funny humor too.

Now usually I find the "Be yourself, don't let anyone bring you down" thing gets pretty boring after awhile, but this movie explained it in a really good way, and that didn't just go for Tracey, the main character, being fat. It also had the subplot with integration.

There's so much more I'd like to talk about, but I don't want to spoil the movie. But I'm seeing it again!

Friday, September 14, 2007


Usually I don't like to whine, as whining usually makes me feel like a big whiner, which I don't like to feel, but I just gotta rant, so bear with me.

Today was probably the crappiest day of 8th grade yet, and it's been about two weeks. First of all I ran the mile today, which was a lot worse than it could have been do to the fact that my mom had stuck my inhaler in my lunchbox, and I had no idea. So I had to run a mile (and I didn't stop running, mind you) for 9m 26s and so after that I was almost wheezing, and my lips were about as dry as the Sahara Desert.

About five minutes after that we played an hour of soccer, which made my asthma even worse do to the fact that I was on defense, and running around a lot. So I was fairly pissed off after that, and even when I warned my friends of this, one in particular just couldn't stand not setting me off for five minutes.

Yes, I'm talking about her. As we were walking to our lockers, this particular person just had to start swearing in front of me, even when she knows perfectly well how much I don't like it when my friends are swearing. So when I tell her to PLEASE stop swearing and respect me, she goes right on to saying how I should respect her freedom of speech. Sorry for gossiping, but that seriously pisses me off. And I mean bad.

Then to make matters worse, I forgot to do my spanish AND social studies homework, so I've got that to do, and it total it's just been a sucky day.

That's all.

Monday, September 10, 2007


This is just for my guild on World of Warcraft. Ignore it >.<

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Sorry. Just really happy for a second. Now you'll see LOTS of different banners on my blog BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

