Sunday, July 27, 2008


I feel obligated to post this morning, since I haven't posted for a semi-while.

I saw The Dark Knight. Amazing movie. It's just, so, so, good. I'm not sure how many of you would like it though, since there's a lot of action, pop-ups and villains/superheroes in it. But, if you're into that thing, go see it. It's just so freaking good, I was shaking in my seat the whole time because it was so cool.

The Joker was the best part. He was both hilarious and creepy at the same time. He was played by Heath Ledger, which is so sad because he was so good as the joker, but he died in January from an overdose of medications :(

Poor bugger.

But, god, it was so good. Can't wait to see it again.

As for anything else... um, not much has happened. I'll be going to canada for five days to visit some cousins, then to chicago because my brother is college touring. This is all happening during August, btw, so if we were to have a picnic, it'd either have to be early early August or late late August/September. Or else I can't come, and we all know that that can't happen.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Akanaki Nokunaka

This being the song we used to warm up with in improv, I just bought it and I'm listening to it right now. It's so sad, it brings back so many defined memories. I'm going to listen to this song, like, every day. WAAAAAAH! :(

I'm definitely going back next year, and so are a whole lot of people that were in the class this year. So, thank god for that.

As for the last day, it was so much fun. We did the play, and everyone seemed to think we were hilarious. The jokes that we wouldn't laugh at they rofl'd at. I had a few good lines myself, and that helped a lot, because the laughing helped me and everyone else be even funnier and louder and more charismatic. So it was awesome.

After that we had a little after party with pizza and pop, and wrote down a few contact addresses like my blog and email, and every time someone said they were leaving everyone would give them a huge group hug, so they pretty much wouldn't leave for another five minutes. One person in our class tried leaving without getting hugged, and he was, quite literally, grabbed and dragged back into the room for a hug, which I found hilarious.


I can't wait till next year.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Macalaster, Amy, and WoW

I doubt any of you are starting to look at colleges, or even thinking about colleges (cause I'm not), but I do have to completely advertise Macalaster, because it's an amazing school that I think you all would really like.

First of all, it's a pretty small college. Which means that there's like, 15-19 students in each class, so you'd get to know the professor really well. Like, you get to know them on the first day you're there, which to me, is a really good thing because I like small classes better than oh, say 200 to 300 people in a class at huge colleges like Harvord.

Also, it's an incredibly balanced school, focusing on not only the arts and theatre but also science and chemistry. They have a really cool theatre, and the seats in there are on the movable pillar things so that people can set up the audience seats in really cool ways. It's pretty awesome. The school also has a lot of different language courses. They don't suggest taking a language you took for a long time, because you'd just be going through the colors and days and numbers from 1 to 10 again. But they offer languages like Italian and ancient greek and arabic and a bunch of other REALLY cool languages (btw, you can get pretty much any job if you know arabic *hint*hint*). The school is also really diverse, so that's always a plus.

But, yeah, it's a really good college. I reccomend it to anyone.

Alright, I admit my musical tastes don't usually involve R&B/Soul music (with only a few exceptions like the Jackson 5), but OH MY GOD, Amy Winehouse is the coolest R&B singer ever. 1. she's got an amazing deep, powerful black voice, 2. her music is very jazzy, slow, sad and relaxing, 3. It's MUSIC. She doesn't put any digital voices in the background, which, if you're doing R&B, is just stupid. She's just great. I suggest looking her up on itunes.

I got to level 70 on WoW (World of Warcraft)! And for those who don't know, level 70 is the highest level you can get on it. I know nobody else will care except Maggie, but I'm so proud of myself. It's taken me over a year, pretty much out of sure laziness. But it feels great :D