Friday, June 6, 2008


School is out.

Gone. Done with.


I feel so giddy right now. Oh my god. Summer. Summer summer summer. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!



Now I can just squeeze all of school out of me and enjoy the three months of bliss.

Minus the summer reading, of course.

But still.


Although I do have some regrets mixed in with my happy feelings. It kinda sucks that I won't be able to see my teachers today, and that I won't see the end-of-year video thing, because I've always loved those (6th grade one was the best imo). Did I mention it sucks I won't be able to see my teachers again?

Oh yeah.

The prospect of being a freshman doesn't really appeal to me either. I'm trying not to care, saying the stuff I used to say to myself ALL the time, that you can still visit teachers, being older doesn't mean you have to act older, for god's sake you're still a little girl to some people's eyes, etc. etc., but the idea of having one year left at South View before moving onto the freaking High School scares the crap out of me.

Oh well. Probably by the end of the day I'll be completely fine and not worry about the future and what it holds. I just have these temporary periods of sadness when I think about growing older in general >:I

But anyway, I'll be able to play WoW more! WOW, what a prospect! I can't wait. I WILL get Brin to 70 this summer. I will. She's almost level 68 anyway, so I don't think I'll have too much trouble. It's taken over a year, but hey, at least I've got my priorities in the right place, eh?

Well, no. That's just cause of laziness. Gack.

And now to watch Sweeney Todd... again!