Monday, October 6, 2008

Another post!

So my mom organized my room again, without my consent. And by doing that, I can't find the Pavement CD Jack burned me (sorry Jack), so while I was looking for it I came across a CD labeled 'Deerhoof'. I think, what the heck, so I put it in and ended up discovering weird but incredibly catchy Techno music (although Itunes labels it 'rock'. wtf?) I'll gladly let you guys borrow the CD, just comment.

I spent about three hours doing homework today. Physics was the most brutal, for obvious reasons. After I finished my chapter 4 notes I tried starting my chapter 2 notes, but I started on 'real world examples' for 2.6 before I was like "... no way." I was just so freaking fried from taking physics notes, I wouldn't have been able to write another word without taking a brief (30 minute) break. It was terrible.

I'm getting very frustrated with myself these days. I can't seem to take tests very well at all. It's gotten to the point where I can't predict the outcome of the tests I take, since there seems to be no difference between thinking that I did well and thinking that I did bad, since the score tends to end up the same at the end... bad. So, my parents will be talking to Paul tomorrow, and I might have to take tests to figure out what's wrong with my test taking (how redundent is that?). But I'm not asking for any sympathy. Or uncomfortable silences after I rant about something that's going wrong in my life. Actually, I'm never asking for those. But ironically they always come!

Bah. I don't want the week to start. 3 a days and 1 b day? Nuuuuuuu!

Yahoo answers is a very fun site to look around on. It makes you feel a little less weird. For example, I found out I am definitely not the only one who gets horrible hives whenever I get too cold, and I figured out that it means I'm actually allergic to the cold.

.... Right.

Not only that, but I learned that CAPD is more common than I thought, and not some weird disorder that happens to like, 1/60000 people. Or something.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a very good movie. I reccomend it to everyone, as long as you can handle the 'ohmy' stuff in it.

Adam told me some very hilarious jokes, none of which I can remember, which bothers me.

*sigh* I'm very tired.


Talyna said...

windows mediaplayer always gets the music label wrong too. its really weird. mind if i borrow the cd, please?