Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekend Wonders

Well, so far this weekend has been pretty dece. Ironically, the one weekend I don't play with any friends is the weekend where I have the most to do.

For example, last night I ate delicious pasta with my parents (my brother is gone for a gigantic debate tournament in Kansas) then played Scrabble with them. I got last place, as usual when I'm playing with my family, but I got over 110 points, so I'm proud of myself for that. yay

I watched Devil Wears Prada. I hate fashion but I love watching shows and movies about it. I forgot how funny the movie was.

I tried biking earlier today but the wind attacked me like an angry mob. My eyes were tearing up by the time I got home 'cause it was so cold. It was pretty bad.

Bella went to the groomer's today. I went with my mom to pick her up and she looks like a puppy now, cause her fur is all cut and clean ^_^

My mom paid me five dollars to bring all nineteen bags of Mother Bears to the car. For those who didn't know, Mother Bear is an organization that sends knit teddy bears to kids in Africa. So, with the loving grace of one who cares the most, I kicked, hauled, dragged and threw those suckers into the car. If those kids end up with beaten up teddy bears, I blame the shipments.

I went to Jerry's with my dad and got oreo cakesters and other healthy stuff. Then we went to blockbuster and got Juno, which I'm gonna watch tonight (not that I don't get enough dirty jokes as it is).

Tomorrow I'm attending a flag ceremony. It's awesome, because Rebecca and I get to carry the flags, which gives me an excuse to act like a soldier and feel important.

I've been toying around with different story ideas for too long. I'm thinking of just going with the Jamboree story I started (/ended) back in August. I'm a bit worried about starting it though, because there are some things that happened back then that I remember, but I don't remember how it got started. Plus it'd be nice if I had a few more pictures/journal entries/misc. to remember things I would have otherwise missed. But I've got the general picture... I just wish the memories were more fresh.

I'll post the first few chapters I wrote back in August if y'all want.


jackebob said...

whats a flag ceremony?

Emily said...

for girl scouts. you honor the flags.

Anonymous said...

Basically, you put on a red sash and two people in the front carry flags, then other girls behind them just follow. That's how it was today, anyway. At camp, in the summer, its your cabin. all of the kids carry the flag, and then one person raises it on the pole (sadly some people put it on upsidedown) and everyone says the pledge of allegiance and stuff. then at the end of the day when you lower it, you sing 'taps'.

emily, you should post it. the story, i mean.