Sunday, November 11, 2007


So I went to see West Side Story a couple of hours ago, and it was great. Very professional. I saw some people in the play that I knew, it was funny watching them.

Kwano got my links to show, and I'm VERY happy about that. Really happy actually.

Oh, and I'm probably going to be taking vocal lessons. And audition for a stages theater production, The Giver. Need to reread the book, but I'm very sure I'm going to audition. Once I get all the information.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Overview Recap Thing

Alright, so I've decided, as a new thing of Gremlin's Place, that I do a recap of the past week or day or whatever on Friday. This is something I thought of about a minute before I clicked 'new post', so bare with me. Why? No idea.

I was really surprised yesterday morning when I remembered it was a Friday. Don't get me wrong, the week had gone by waaay too slowly, but I was pleasantly surprised when I got into the bathroom and realized, "Hey, it's a Friday! WOO!"

This blissful mood quickly evaporated as soon as I left my house. Yes, I know I live in Minnesota, but 21 degree weather can still bite you hard, even with a winter jacket, gloves and hat on (AND breathing through my nose).

This is taken from experience, but even if you're waiting like, three minutes for the bus to come, it can seem like an hour, ESPECIALLY when it's cold and you just woke up. But I was relieved of the bitterly freezing weather when the bus came, and I happily hopped on, only to endure twenty minutes of aggravation by Danny Schmitz, doing his personal favorites, "Feliz Navidad, ch ch, ch ch, FELIZ NAVIDAD!" and "Have you named him Penny yet? Penny! Penny the Penguin!" with my replies of "No Danny, I have not called him Penny yet."

We went bowling though. That was VERY fun, even if I sucked do to the lack of freaking bumpers. That annoyed me. A lot, because there would be times in which I'd get 0 like, three times in a row because the ball would keep falling in. Ugh.

As we were riding the bus to school from bowling it started snowing, as everyone knows. AND IT WAS ACCUMULATING! The snow was beautiful. It was just so white and fluffy and big and wintry, I was dying in happiness on that bus.

Anyway, spanish. Bleh. More tolerable than usual. It earns a C+ in my grade book. We did a few games, and I got an extra credit buck due to my lovely speed skills, but it was still boring, and we got homework.

Then Social Studies. That was actually fun, which is a big change, as Social Studies is usually a class full of boring crap. So it earns a B+, We got to watch an awesome video about the 1920's, which is a decade I looooove, and plus we got new seating arrangements, so just one person is in between me and Kwano, which is awesome.

Lunch was depressing. ER went to sit with some other people, Brunker, as we had abandoned him before, went to sit with some other friends, Phisoa was at the Kindness Retreat, and Tyler, sensing boring lunch session, went to sit with a group of people that had switched tables so they were one lunch table away. Talk about unnecessary. So then it was just Ele and I, until E2 and Kwano came to sit with us, so it actually turned out to be a good lunch. But still. I'm getting everyone back to the table whether they like it or not.

Then it was science. Ugh. B-. It was alright, I mean, we were able to get off topic for awhile, talking about huge bugs (COCKROACHES!!!!!!!!), then we went to look at our compost, which actually worked, but there were a ton of rolly polly bugs under. Jimmy, being the obnoxious idiot he was, smushed the poor little innocent creatures to the heart of his content. Moron. Then we went inside and watched a brainpop on color, then a Magic School Bus show... which was undeniably stupid.

Now onto actual NEWS which no one will know until I type it below...

Well, maybe some of you will.

I'm going to see West Side Story in arrouuund... two hours, about, which I'm very excited for. The only thing I know about it is that a lot of people die or get beat up. Sounds interesting, eh?

Oh, and I've FINALLY got a decent plot going for my now-modern story. The only setback is that it might be a AND I shouldn't even say that because it'll give away some plot. Phew, glad I caught myself there.

And by the way, happy birthday Kwano. You can now be divided in two (age wise, of course). AND HAPPY HALF-BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Story Stuck

So for the story I'm writing (look before to see the prologue) I'm not sure whether to make it modern or not. If it was modern it'd be much easier, because despite my desperate attempts to make the clothes old-style, I picture the main character(s) wearing jeans and tank tops and modern fashion. Plus, it'd make things easier with all the technology. That would make the story change a bit with the plot and stuff, BUT, I'm willing to do that.


Friday, November 2, 2007

Milk Victorious!

HAHAHAHA! Curse you large glass of milk! Never again shall I be forced to digest your bulbous mass!

Now onto a real topic...

Found out who's playing Max in the Maximum Ride movie. And guess what. SHE'S HORRIBLE! But don't take it from me. See for yourself: (Go to Maximum Ride Goes Hollywood, click 'We've Found Max' then click 'Audition Movie'. Amy Rose stars in both the commercial and the movie).

Reasons why she sucks... (I'd suggest not reading this if you don't want my opinion tainting yours)

1. She's too delicate.
2. She's not tough enough, I don't see an inner Max in her at all. If she's good at acting, hey, then I'm good (though she doesn't really seem like she'd be good).
3. Doesn't look like Max from my perspective.
4. Total OMG (watch her at the last bit when she says who she is, when she dances, etc.)

Oh, and they're also combing all three Maximum Ride books into one movie (good luck on that...)


Chugging down a big class of milk. About 13 oz. Must not waste. Stomach hurting... ughh...