Sunday, April 20, 2008


No, I don't actually mean that update. Lol. Last night was great. But anyway.

If it wasn't for the bleak weather, I'd call this a very relaxing, perfect Saturday. I spent an hour or so building some fairy houses in the backyard, read some comic books, browsed the sites I go on daily, listened to some music, ate, played my oboe and piano, and read a little. If I got to do this everyday I'd be in bliss. But obviously that can't happen.

Technically Passover is tonight, but due to scheduling issues, my family is having it tomorrow, AND THAT'S OKAY, because Passover actually is more than one night... so we're not being horrible Jews for not having Passover on the first night. We got some little toys for the goodie bags (don't ask) and I'm supposed to be cooking candy matzah tomorrow. Um, right. If my house burns down, you can have the matzah candy. Because I won't be here to kill you for touching them.

Maggie and I attempted to make a tank top out of a bedsheet. Seeing as its us, we did pretty well for making clothes for the first time in our lives. It still desperately needs work though.

Okay, and as for my story, I have toyed around with some leads, so I am making some progress. I just need to find confidence in one of the leads and type it which, for me, might be a challenge.

I take my hobbies way too seriously. So seriously that I don't do them.

I highly reccomend watching Even if you don't like Lord of the Rings, this speech sums up the world in about two minutes, which, you know, rocks. Plus it's LOTR, and that alone is epic in its entirety.

The solo in Freebird is awesome. If I could play it I'd play it like, everyday. Sadly, 1. I don't have an electric guitar, 2. I can't play the guitar and 3. I'd have to pay for my family's health insurance when they go into the hospital room with their ears bleeding out.

I'm gonna go have lunch now.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I will give someone something if they can figure this out. Maggie and Sophia can't do this.

1 1
2 1
1 2 1 1
1 1 1 2 2 1
3 1 2 2 1 1

What's the next line?

(If I missed anyone who knows this, they can't do it either)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Spring break: Can I hear HALLI ELUJAH

And unlike any other breaks, this one I feel like I've been making good use of it, instead of just sitting around having nothing to do. Bonus point that it's only Wednesday. I still need to email ms. terry that extra credit, but bleh. I can do that anytime.

I don't think I'll ever live it down for doing a completely accidental Jerry Garcia impersonation. Don't ask, but for God's sake, I was only listening to music! Do I have this thing of looking stoned every time I'm listening to my ipod? Unfair analogy if you ask me.

I have to go shopping today, or, 'coming along with me as I shop for my clothes, and you just happen to be needing clothes too' as my mother puts it. Bah. Spare me. It all means the same thing anyway... bermuda shorts, tights, mini skirts and shiny ballet shoes. 

I have a flute lesson today. I was going to bring my oboe, but I broke it. I won't get into details how, or whether I broke it 'accidentally' or 'on purpose'. 

More on that later.