Friday, March 28, 2008


I've been having a really hard time starting my story (which is awesome in mind and in... mind). It's not that I don't know how to start it, but I have NO MOTIVATION. Plus I've got two other story ideas, and so, depending on what music I listen to/what Youtube video I watch, I can get excited about different stories fairly easily, which isn't good.

I also really would like to post them... except I've got nothing to post. The one I wrote back in the day was the only writing piece I've ever blogged, but that's totally irrelevant to the other stories I'm writing.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Final Layer (And excuse me, I created this title)

Like Rebecca, I'm bummed. I'd be a lot happier if we could still do AT in 9th grade, but no. So it kinda sucks that every other South View team gets to go to state and we can't. It would have been a nice ending for us to finally go to state for once, and get whatever place there. And to prove everyone wrong, that we can get to state.

God, this sucks. But I'll be happier if one of the teams are able to beat the Doubles... they're way too cocky for their own good. They need to build some character.

I'll just be watching from the sidelines then. Maybe even go to Davanni's afterwards?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Collection of Quotes

I'm thinking of starting quotes of the day on here. I'm sure someone will be able to cook up an incredibly stupid and/or hilarious statement at least once a day. Let's start with Sophia, the ridiculous of them all:

"She won't tell me what my worst fear is!"

"I wanted to email NASA to tell them their email didn't work."

"Let's say there was a baby raised by cows..."

Me: Giving blacks more rights, but still be seperated from whites won't change racism. Whites will still think bla--
Sophia: Wrong! Anyway, continue!

Sophia: I get what you're saying, I'm on your side.
Me: Then why are you arguing with me?
Sophia: Because your argument has flaws!

I've laughed with/at Sophia way too many times for these to be the only things she's said, but I can't remember anymore. So I'll just go on to myself, just to prove how slow I can be at times.

(looking at a Luna bar) "By nutz... do they mean nuts?"

"You stole a bike?"

"What can I say, music is my drug. It's what keeps me high."

"My shirt is so green it's blue!"

E.R: Just randomly spew out everything you know about Egypt during class!
Me: No way! People would think I'm weird... oh.

"Ya know, they should have totally given us a creativity award for my oral face-off answer."


"There is a difference between being spacey and stupid. Sadly, in my case, there is no difference."

"Josea reminds me of a Barney-type version of Hitler. Which is scary."


"Wait, what about inattentive?" (I ask, not paying attention)

I'm thinking of starting quotes of the day on here. I'm sure someone will be able to cook up an incredibly stupid and/or hilarious statement at least once a day.