Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I have APD. lol

Sunday, January 20, 2008

God Save our Gracious Queen, Long Live the Noooooble Queen!...

My mood has been very low for the past couple days. Ever since I learned Will was going to England (not that I'm blaming him) this really big desire to go back has been depressing me nonstop. And it keeps popping out on me too! My hat, photos, candy, toys and magazines I got at the airport... I'm going out of my freaking mind!

But seriously! I keep thinking about it. I keep remembering these things, all the good memories, the polluted air, the ponds, Warwick, weird cars, Turkish Delight, $12 kalamari, teenagers helping me up onto a giant lion, the war museum, rolling down a hill, taking pictures, recovering from jet lag, bars not letting children in, staying up 24 hours, watching the sun go up and down, writing in a journal about everything that was happening on the plane, stopping at Iceland-

Kay, getting way too ahead of myself. But I'm not kidding, I'd sacrifice something high-tech and expensive to go there. England is, and will always be, my favorite country and/or my second home. My dad even said so himself, the only reason we aren't going there again is because of the frigging recession that the stupid git who runs our country got us into. Otherwise there'd be nothing stopping us from hopping on a plane and making our way to England. It frustrates me to no. end.

UGH! I'm going to stop ranting before I die. This sucks so bad.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Nerd Score

Followed the link on Kat's page for the nerd test. 31% scored higher than me, 1% scored the same and 68% scored lower. Was gonna post something else but I forgot.

First Post of 2008

I've got a really bad headache that makes me feel like nails are driving through my skull everytime I stand up and walk, a nostril stuffed with who knows what, and a throat that feels like it gets stung by a hundred bees every time I gulp. Not cool.

And better yet, I've got four projects to do. Need to watch a movie then write a report about it, which, come to think of it, won't be hard at all as watching a movie takes zero mental effort. Unless the movie sucks, then I either a) focus my attention on how stupid it is or b) focus my attention on something else. So maybe I'll do that later this week, or go to Maggie's house and watch a movie with her. Then I've got a book to read which I haven't even started. I'll probably just go with the conformity and read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas like every other person in this god forsaken school. Then I've got current events. I kind of forgot the main things we're supposed to do. Everytime I tell myself to go look at the rubric I'm like, "Meh, I'll do it later". Talk about procrastination -.-

Then there's the science project. Ugh. I don't know when Sophia and I will be able to meet, but that needs to be done SOON. God, these teachers are so cruel. Give us all these proje - bah, I'm not going to complain. It's been done too much already.

On a happier note, first friday going back to school is A.T. Can't wait. Hopefully we can prove this time that it isn't just luck that got us to 2nd place.

Hah. Good luck with that.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year's

Writing this seven minutes before 2008. 2007 has definitely been one of my favorite years alive, with the most memories. Wonder what this year will bring...