Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mars is Bright Tomorrow - FALSE!!!

Well, it actually turns out that the post I made yesterday was false. Shame. That would have been cool to see, huh?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Found a Scungy Picture!

After searching my documented images many times, I discovered that I actually did have a single picture of my grey cat, Scungy. He looks cute :D

Mars is Bright Tomorrow

I got an email yesterday warning everyone about the 52nd anniversary of Mars' brightest night. It's when Mars comes closest to earth at 34.65 miles. The next time this will happen it will be 2287. Most obviously, no one alive today, not even a baby born a second ago, will see it again.

So position yourself near a window, and watch on August 27th, at 12:30am. DON'T FORGET!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pet Pictures

Here are some pictures I took when some time ago of my pets. Bella, who's three years old, is the dog, Pumpkin is the cat with the pink nose, and Scungy is the grey cat. I <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 them! ^_^

The Meaning of Life (HERE'S TO YOU SOP-SOP!)

It's simple fact that everyone on this planet earth has different opinions on what the meaning of life is. And a lot of the reason that it's different is because of religion. I'm not complaining about it, but if there wasn't any religion, then obviously the meaning of life would be a lot different today.

Some people might say that the meaning of life is to purify the world by burning all the jews, hippies, gypsies, handicapped etc. Some people say it's to purify the world by banning Harry Potter books *breaks mouse, goes out to Best Buy, buys a new one, connects it back to USB port and continues writing*

But my definition of the meaning of life is quiet different from purification, or any religion for that matter. No, my friends, I believe that the meaning of life is to simply travel through your life and experience what life has to offer you. Well, then what's the point of being on here? There is no point. You were simply put on this earth, and since you're alive, hey! Why not try making the best out of it? Honestly, if you're not happy, you aren't doing the best you can do for yourself.

But, that just came to me. I thought I'd write this down for sop-sop.

The Jamboree HP OCD Song

Kay, so there was this one time during Jamboree when the eight girls in our Girl Scout troop were sitting in one of the dorms (forget which). My great, perfect, lovely *coughHIGHLYWRONGcough* friends decided to create a song that would describe just how obsessed with Harry Potter I am. Well, here goes this song, and it's in the tune of Old McDonald.

There once was a girl
who was obsessed with Harry Potter
And Miranda was her name-o!

And Miranda was her name-o!

There was once was a girl
Who read Harry Potter seventeen times
and Miranda was her name-o!

And Miranda was her name-o!

So, you can guess how it continues. There are different verses, but I don't feel like writing them down. Who knows... maybe I will later?


*poofs in a cloud of inky smoke*

When life hands you lemons, squish them and throw them at a car.

Now, don't call me a pessimist just by hearing this title. Usually I'm very optimistic! Hopefully, anyway. But when it comes to the fact that school will be starting in a week, I'd happily crush these lemons I'm given to a sour mush and throw them at some innocent passersby's car.

I mean come on! Those three months of pure bliss and freedom lasted about as long as MEA weekend! It's blasphemy! Total revulsion. At least have summer start in May so we can get months off. And they even start reminding you that school's coming soon by sending your bus info sheet in like, July. Don't these people know what it was like being a kid?? If they were even the least bit less oblivious, they would know that it would be best, for the kid's mental emotions, to send things like that by the end of august, where kids know they're heading their way to the end of the world.

But, I'm done. I'll post more later. Not that anyone cares.